Phil. Daily Inquirer, Dec. 16, 2000
by Mary Ann A. Bautista and Ricky T. Gallardo
Is on a Roll
. .
AFTER everything that has happened, Regine Velasquez
still considers 2000 as a very good year. It will be recalled
that in the middle of this year, she was caught in a controversy
with the U.S. Embassy where her visa was revoked.
But after the storm, Velasquez was able to pick up the pieces
right away with successive victories in both her recording and
film projects. At the Viva headquarters, Velasquez is the flavor
of the season for having brought in a lot of income from her hit
movies and CD albums. On the concert circuit, she has been
hailed as the real concert queen for having both vocal and
production merits and top crowd-drawing capacity.
Considering that times are really hard, Velasquez still
mustered enough courage to launch her all-classic CD which
has now been certified platinum. And as if all these aren't
enough, she's going full blast this holiday season with an
ambitious Christmas concert at the NBC Tent of The Fort
on Dec. 22.
She will team up anew with musical director Gerard Salonga,
whom Velasquez considers a newfound friend. "Gerard and I
get along very well both in terms of personality and music,
and I guess that's an edge for any concert artist," she says.
Velasquez is unperturbed that she is still romantically
unattached up to now, saying that she's been used to past
Christmases without a special someone. "I guess that will come
if it's meant to be, but for now, I cannot push myself to have
someone just because it's Christmas. I am very much contented
with spending the holidays with my family."

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