Thoughts and Wisdom from a
Regine Fan 
( Post from a mbr of RVML 2 )
Hey Guys, 
On another note, taking off from Jacky Cheung's interview, I guess we need
to start widening our network in Asia like getting hooked up with local
magazines in Taiwan, Singapore, Hongkong, Macau, Bangkok, KL, Jakarta,
Tokyo, even Korea. I think Viva really can't handle her internationally.
I've sent some emails to Germany Today, BBC and Canal just so to create
curiosity if not interest in regine in europe. if many of us would do this,
I think it can make some difference.
good luck to everyone. just don't mind the not so important issues that's
being posted lately. it's just not worth reading. so why even bother. I know
regine's as cool as she always is.
"A Great
Talent, One Powerful Voice, THE Diva of All Divas, Philippine's Pride... Asia's
Songbird.. Regine Velasquez ,, Simply the Best :)"
he Regine
Velasquez Unofficial Fan Site

The Music Inside Buzz
Posted originally in RVML 2. This
e-mail was edited and made shorter.